- 2 lbs Beef (90/10 Ground Beef)
- 3 lbs Pork Butts
- 28 g Salt
- 5.6 g Pink Cure
- 5.6 g Smoked Salt (Charsalt)
- 5 g Cane Sugar
- 4 g White Pepper, ground
- 2 g Celery Ground
- 1 g Nutmeg
- 1 g Coriander
- 1 g Caraway Ground
Cut and grind Pork Butts together with the Ground Beef through the Hamburger Plate.
Weigh and mix all the seasoning well.
Mix some ice water into the seasoning and pour over the meat.
Thoroughly mix the meat until it binds (gets gluey).
Stuff into 29/32 Hog Casings and link about 4 inches long.
Hang on smoke sticks and finish at low temperature until the internal temperature is over 155°F.
The Knockwurst gets it’s smoked flavor from the Charsalt and extra smoking just improves the outside color.